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college basketball as we know is dead

I just read that the Dartmuth basketball team has formed/joined a union and will be represented by some one in negociations with the school and coach. "OK coach I wiil practice free throws but I want more money and a car"

It's been dead for awhile. These are just the nails being hammered into the coffins.

If I were the Ivy League (which does not scholarship sports) presidents I would simply declare that they are not going to field any interscholastic teams, period.

First, they don't need the grief. Secondly, I wonder what kind of chill that would send through the "amateur" world of college basketball players.

Too be honest, I have not really been interested in college basketball for years. Fantasy college basketball is more "real" to me than the real thing because while our players may transfer to and fro, we don't have the other B.S. associated with the game. College basketball was my fave and over the past 15 years or so it became college football. Now, that is just as bad as the basketball and my interest has been waning with that sport as well.

Again, thank God for fantasy college basketball!

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